Fashion addicts with awesome fashion sense. This account are sharing two best friends.. Selena and Hanna We'll talk about celebritys,fashion etc...
Fashion Report
While you we're waking down the street you seen this t-shirts, am i right?
The cross t-shirt it's in this season, it's kind of cool, and it makes you look more serious , i like it but it's not my style, you can buy it any store
Justin and Selena, TOGETHER ?
Justin Bieber shocked all of his beliebers ( me) with a picture posted on his instagram page.
There are many talk, he doesn't have his lion tattoo , but at the end of the pic can we see a bit of his new tattoo? Nobody knows, we still don't know, but i think the description of the pic tells it all
"You've been making music for too long babe come cuddle" -her
But in my opinion i think he misses her very much <3, but I am a belieber so whatever it makes him happy
Even his new tattoo had a big reaction
Justin says its a angel but why does it have a LITTLE same look like selena? Is she his angel?
For now we can only wonder till JUstin tell us the hole truth ;)
Dip dye
Hiii guys, It's Hanna.. Today I'm going to talk about Dip dye.
Dip-dye hair color has been trendy for a couple years now and with the number of celebrities who are still sporting this color trend on the rise, it seems this trend isn't going to die anytime soon.

Dip-dye basically means to dye parts of your hair another color. Bright hues, pastels and the popular "ombré" gradient shading are all popular hair colors.
You can get this look in a variety of ways. You can do it yourself, have a pro do it or use a less permanent solution via clip-in extensions or spray color.
I would really like to have Dip Dye, but I don't know which colour to use(btw I'm brunette)...
This hairstyle is perfect for summer, and It's really cool.
This hairstyle is perfect for summer, and It's really cool.
But...natural colours are also cool.(Ombre hair)
dip dye,
dip dye ombre,
ombre effect,
The New Guy: Chapter 1 (Justin Bieber Imagine
Chapter 1: The new beginning
As every day, your mom came to wake up, you woke up with such hate for the new school year.You hated school, because you were an outcast , no you weren't one of the pretty popular girls aka.Barbies.Barbies ruled the school, they were your typical popular girls with daddies on high places, everyone called them Barbies because they were like Barbie : Pretty and plastic( if you know what i'm thinking about).Only problem about Barbies, is their leader Samantha Evans aka. Plastic,she was known for her blond (fake) hair, and some SPECIAL SKILL , she was your enemy, back in the day (Junior High), you two were BFF's you did everything together , till she got something plastic and dumped you for the popular kids, since then she was making your life miserable .You, well your special you don't belong to any group your just a girl. Your a (blond/brunette/redhead) with beautifuly shaped face never touched by all the makeup(you were let's say natural), you were one of the prettiest girls in school, everybody knew that, but Samantha told awful lies about you, so no one would ever ask you out. You thought it's because your ugly, sometimes you wished for a normal life, life not being a outcast but the lunch bel, hit you to reality and you went to your 5th period Science.
You walked in to classroom taking the first you can take. Professor Benson started to talk about something something ( you weren't listening ) , as a knock on a door disturbed him. Suddenly a brown headed boy with beautiful hazel eyes staring at his cute dimpels while smiling, just thinking *doesn't he look so kissable now*
"Excus me who are you", Mr. Benson asked
"I'm the new student", says the kissable guys
"Tell the class whats your name", says Benson
"I'm Justin, new student from Canada"
"Great for you", says Benson sarcastically, "Now go find a empty the seat, there's one next to (Y/N)"
"Okay", says Justin
He sites behind, as your heart rushes miles ahead, and you think why does he how to be so perfect , as you look around the class, seeing that all the girls are starring at him, when you catch Samantha's Mine look (This look was known to all of the girls I want it don't even dare), you look down the book, telling your self *I wouldn't even have a chance next to Samantha*, as you quietly stare in your book felling disappointed in you.
"Hi, I'm Justin", says with a heavenly voice.
Looking at him with shock your able to say : "I know i heard you the first time", you say with a smile
"But i didn't catch your name", says looking at you.
"I'm...I'm.....", you get lost in the words
"You have a name don't you?", says smiling
"Yes I do ... I'm (Y/N)", you say.
"(Y/N), like the princess", says Justin, while knowing how lame that sounded.
"You just made that up did you?", says smiling.
"Yes, I did, it sounded a little cheesy", says Justin embarrassed
"No, It's actually cute", you say surprised..
"I know we just met, but maybe you can show me around, you now around school and the CITY?", says Justin hopefully.
"Sure", you say while screaming inside.
"Then It's a DATE, I mean...., the bell interrupt?s him, um.... nothing see you later after school?"
"Yes", you say still can't believing what just happened.
While outside of you was just acting normal, the inside was jumping, screaming,dying, when suddenly Samantha approaches you.
"You will not be going on that date with Justin", says Samantha confident.
"And why so", you say surprised.
"Then you're dirty little secret will come public, and I'm sure Justin would never talk to you again"
"You promised you will never tell it", you say almost bursting into tears.
"But never trust me", says Samantha leaving the classroom
You almost starting crying, as you crying while thinking what should you do ?
Fid out in the next chapter what will YOU DO!
Short Cute Imagine Justin Bieber
Justin has decided he’ll teach you
to play guitar. He sits you on his lap as he teaches you how to play A Team by
Ed Sheeran on the guitar. His fingers are pressed against yours as he guides
your hands where they need to be but you’re a hopeless guitar player. “Justin,
I’m hopeless at this!” You giggle, placing the guitar beside you both. “I know
something that we’re both good at…” Justin murmurs, placing his hands gently
around your waist. “Me too…” You mutter before pressing your lips against his.
Justin Bieber short imagine :)
Imagine going clubbing with Justin and he gets jealous after seeing you dance with some random guy..
On the car ride home, you look over at your boyfriend, asking why he had to go and ruin your night?
Justin:''Because you're only allowed to dance with me. You' re mine.''
Awww cute :D
On the car ride home, you look over at your boyfriend, asking why he had to go and ruin your night?
Justin:''Because you're only allowed to dance with me. You' re mine.''
Awww cute :D
So I'm going to show you some different hairstyles that are in, this season ;)
So many celebs have been rocking the fish braid. It's very simple to make, and you can still look super cute!
This is my fav, i love ombre effect as i told you guys before , i love this type cus i think the wavy curls give it a little spark

I like this 3 hairstyles for the prom,you have the cute buns, and a great way to do your hair for the prom, my personal best is the 3 picture, it's sassy and sexy.
This hairstyles is for the days , you just want to look casual but still hot, it's perfect, I'm a bit of a bun lover, but how couldn't I?
Anyway i hope you liked my post comment bellow on what you think ;)
Have you ever felt like everyone around you is happy and only you're not?
I'm feeling that way right now..
It sucks!
I just want to run away from my life, and start all over, but I can't and It hurts me..a lot..
It sucks when you know that your dreams will never come true...
Well, I know Never Say Never ,but there are times in life when you are just sick of waiting and hoping!
Why am I born? To feel all this pain?
I hope that some things in my life will change soon...
And If you are feeling the same way as I am, you just have to know that you are not alone..
Stay Strong, If I can do it, anyone can do it.
Prom dresses
So prom will be here soon so i wanted to post to you guys some perfect prom dresses, so you can impress your guys ;)
1.Short and Cute
For all of you guys , that like me like the short dresses , but still cute, girly way, for me this is perfect, i love the wave on the dress and the belt is super cute.
For all those girls, that love pink and more like Barbie, this is the perfect dress, this is for my style too much, but I know there are many pink lover who will really enjoy this outfit ;)
For the girls, that like blue, and are into the mermaid style, this is a type a dress for you, there are many types of mermaid style, but i chose this outfit cus it makes it simple, but still makes you will like a princess.
For the ones who want to look like a princess this is the perfect dress, it's not too much but you still end up looking like a goddess.
1.Short and Cute
3.Mermaid dress
I hope you enjoyed my post, comment bellow on what you think ;)
Nothin' new :)
Hiii guys, It's Hannah again :)
Tomorrow I'm going to meet one american girl with my friends, here in Croatia :)
She's from Michigan...
It's been a year since I met someone from the u.s.a...
I love to meet people from there because I think they're really cool ;D
Can't wait...
There's nothing else new in my life...
So.. how are things going with you? :)
I can't wait for school to end!!!!
I want summer!
(I don't own this picture) ----->
-Hanna :D
Tomorrow I'm going to meet one american girl with my friends, here in Croatia :)
She's from Michigan...
It's been a year since I met someone from the u.s.a...
I love to meet people from there because I think they're really cool ;D
Can't wait...
There's nothing else new in my life...
So.. how are things going with you? :)
I can't wait for school to end!!!!
I want summer!
(I don't own this picture) ----->
-Hanna :D
So weekend has ended and school has again started what a drag,am I right? At least i got some rest , and i think the only thing i was doing this is weekend was bloging to you guys! The worst thing that on Sunday while I was walking down the street i fell on my face!NOT HAND OR FEET,FACEEE!!What luck -.- ,and that was my weekend boring and FACE HURTING *mad* anyway thats it from me,bye :*
Imagine Justin Bieber
One day you where standing at the mirror getting dressed for the Justin Bieber concert, as you were finishing the last touches with your makeup set.You stop for a minute and look up the mirror reflection, a tear slides upon your face, while thinking about seeing him again , after that summer you and Justin had, suddenly , you have a flashback.
*last summer*
After finishing your daily listen to Justin,you call up your friend, asking her if she would go to the beach with you, she says yes.You proudly put on your new bathing suit , pick up your bag, and go to the beach.
"Hey"(friends name), you say happy.
"You look happy",(friends name) says.
"I have a feeling this is the summer i will to change everything", says .
"Okay", looks at her strangely.
You to head to the beach, and go to find a seat
*that time on the other side of the beach*
Crazy beliebers are jumping on Justin, as he tries to ask them nicely he has to go.
His bodyguards, try to protect him, no luck, Justin is lost in the sea of crazy beliebers, who knows what can happen to him?
On his luck he manages tho crawl beneath them, without them noticing him. He takes a mask , type that burglars wear, hoping that they won't notice him. He runs away to the other side,While walking he dreams, for a normal day just for once , without the stress,and the screaming , he bumps into (your name), and accidentally grabs her hand, she tries to scream: You're ( a thief), got's cut off before finishing a sentence.
Justin(thinking she knows who he is) covers her mouth afraid of the mob of beliebers and drags her into the hidden street.
"I don't have any money", says (your name) while cold sweet leaking through her body, as it shakes scared.
"What I'm not a robber", says calmly hoping she won't discover who he is.
"Please , i have nothing worth on me", says still shaking from the fear.
"I'm not going to rob you believe me", says.
"Buuuuuuuut", says stuttering, yoooouur maaasssk annd youuuu graaabed mee.
"I accidentally grabed you, sorry if I scared you".
"Why are you wearing the mask then"? asks (your name).
"Because.....", thinks Justin, "I'm ugly", says by chance.
"Don't worry you can't be as half ugly as me"- says with a smile on her face.
"Your not ugly", says Justin admiring her face.
"You don't have to lie, but why do you think your ugly?
"Long story", says Justin quickly.
"I have time", says (your name)
"Oh....", Justin thinks everything he wants in life but because of fame he cant' have, and just says everything covering it up with the "ugly","I hate that I can walk down the street, and not be stared by other people, I hate that all the time people just scream at me, I hate sometimes people stalk me because of my fam.... I mean ugliness, I just hate feeling I have been cut off from the normal because of one thing, Iiii..., just,want to be normal, and I want real people to stay by my side because of me", says Justin with a disappointing look in his eye.
"Don't worry I will stay!" says (your name) to a stranger she just made with full trust.
"I don't understand", says not expecting a so kind creature.
"You need a real friend, I have met you just now, but i feel I can trust, only thing I can say to you I can be here for you! NOW!", says (your name) with a smile at her face.
"Your (beautiful), tries to say Justin, "Real", gets cut off by (your name), as Justin just start staring in her beautiful (brown,blue,green) eyes just looking in her beautiful lion eyes, watching her spark, he asks:"Would you mind going on a date with me, I mean...", says Justin just watching her moves.
"Never say never, right?",says (your name) smiling, "I would love to go on a date with you", says (your name)
What will happen on YOUR date you will find out soon!
Please don't copy, It was truly written by me <3
*last summer*
After finishing your daily listen to Justin,you call up your friend, asking her if she would go to the beach with you, she says yes.You proudly put on your new bathing suit , pick up your bag, and go to the beach.
"Hey"(friends name), you say happy.
"You look happy",(friends name) says.
"I have a feeling this is the summer i will to change everything", says .
"Okay", looks at her strangely.
You to head to the beach, and go to find a seat
*that time on the other side of the beach*
Crazy beliebers are jumping on Justin, as he tries to ask them nicely he has to go.
His bodyguards, try to protect him, no luck, Justin is lost in the sea of crazy beliebers, who knows what can happen to him?
On his luck he manages tho crawl beneath them, without them noticing him. He takes a mask , type that burglars wear, hoping that they won't notice him. He runs away to the other side,While walking he dreams, for a normal day just for once , without the stress,and the screaming , he bumps into (your name), and accidentally grabs her hand, she tries to scream: You're ( a thief), got's cut off before finishing a sentence.
Justin(thinking she knows who he is) covers her mouth afraid of the mob of beliebers and drags her into the hidden street.
"I don't have any money", says (your name) while cold sweet leaking through her body, as it shakes scared.
"What I'm not a robber", says calmly hoping she won't discover who he is.
"Please , i have nothing worth on me", says still shaking from the fear.
"I'm not going to rob you believe me", says.
"Buuuuuuuut", says stuttering, yoooouur maaasssk annd youuuu graaabed mee.
"I accidentally grabed you, sorry if I scared you".
"Why are you wearing the mask then"? asks (your name).
"Because.....", thinks Justin, "I'm ugly", says by chance.
"Don't worry you can't be as half ugly as me"- says with a smile on her face.
"Your not ugly", says Justin admiring her face.
"You don't have to lie, but why do you think your ugly?
"Long story", says Justin quickly.
"I have time", says (your name)
"Oh....", Justin thinks everything he wants in life but because of fame he cant' have, and just says everything covering it up with the "ugly","I hate that I can walk down the street, and not be stared by other people, I hate that all the time people just scream at me, I hate sometimes people stalk me because of my fam.... I mean ugliness, I just hate feeling I have been cut off from the normal because of one thing, Iiii..., just,want to be normal, and I want real people to stay by my side because of me", says Justin with a disappointing look in his eye.
"Don't worry I will stay!" says (your name) to a stranger she just made with full trust.
"I don't understand", says not expecting a so kind creature.
"You need a real friend, I have met you just now, but i feel I can trust, only thing I can say to you I can be here for you! NOW!", says (your name) with a smile at her face.
"Your (beautiful), tries to say Justin, "Real", gets cut off by (your name), as Justin just start staring in her beautiful (brown,blue,green) eyes just looking in her beautiful lion eyes, watching her spark, he asks:"Would you mind going on a date with me, I mean...", says Justin just watching her moves.
"Never say never, right?",says (your name) smiling, "I would love to go on a date with you", says (your name)
What will happen on YOUR date you will find out soon!
Please don't copy, It was truly written by me <3
It's a little childhood story
So i decided to share with you guys my little childhood story ;)
Star in the dark
When I was little i found a peace of a kind of paper that shines in the dark shaped like a star, and i decided to put it on my wall, so that every night when I feel scary or sad, I could just look up and see that star shining right upon me, and I would have known that everything will be alright. There where days that i couldn't see the star, i would just tried to searched it in the dark, no luck, and the days and years would have past! I would have forgotten about the star.One day i woke up in the middle of the night feeling sad, i looked up and I saw that forgotten star shining again ;) The moment I saw the star , a smile came to my face , and i just went to sleep, shining beneath the star. Since that day every slept night was with my shining star ;)
Summer Perfect Date Dress
So if you read the title you now what I will write about!I will show you some great date dresses , and the for me the perfect one ;)
This outfit is perfect for the night in the disco or for dinner, it's for some special date, or you just want to look your best, i don't like the color of the shoes, so i would pick different.
This is not a dress , but i needed to show you guys, this outfit is so mee, i love it, it's for the more casual people, who still wanna look there best and hot, the shirt with the floral print it's just beautiful, and the shorts are so cute, so i will be probably rocking this outfit in the summer very much ;)
I love this outfit, cus im in love with the pacsun kylie and kendall jenner collection , i fell in love with the skirt, and the top, and this summer that style of top is a hit so be sure to buy it.
For me this is the perfect summer date dress, I love the tots on the dress and the heart shape, little purse is so cute, and it's for a day in summer, beach, it's everything so i can't wait to buy this outfit,cus for me it's just perfection .
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