
Read the blog and enjoy


U just gotta love them - Shirtless boyz♥

Hiii guys, It's Hanna... I know it's been a while but I'm here now...so.. Today I'll write about those cute boys from TV Series. We all know a cute face can change your day, isn't that right fangirls? Than imagine what a shirtless picture of that guy can do. And it can also be very inspiring. Like when I see a cute shirtless boy, I'm all like ''I gotta work on my looks. What if I meet that guy one day'' (Which is not gonna happen because I prefere staring at my phone and laptop rather than going out)


Let's begin with well known The Vampire Diaries... 

Teen Wolf ♥

Pretty little liars♥

The end.... Hope you liked it :)



Shopping: Part 1

Today me and Hanna went for some Spring to Summer clothes also Spring to Autumn. Because the weather here was really bad. And I think I'm coming up with a cold.I couldn't get a chance to take pictures of stuff I also bought recently so this post will be quite short anyway let's get do it.
As you can see I have terrible editing skills but anyway. I bought this sweater and it costed me only 20$. And that's awesome. The floral pattern is all over the place and I had to have at least one shirt with it. With this shirt some goldish necklace would be best. It would highlight it's color.I also put up this lipstick, because it really goes great with it. Put up some pants and this shirt. You got yourself cozy a little bit dressy outfit- And basically any shirt with some big letters is a hit.
The other thing I bought is this thing.I don't know how should I call it. It's kind of a jacket but on the other side not really. Anyway the sleeves are see -through  and the back is laced. Yes, I shall say it again. Lace, I' quite obssesed with lace and anything black. I love lace and lace sure as hell loves me.Let's get back to the thing.Me and Hanna both bought and it's amazing. It costs around 30$. It can be paired with a sleeveless shirt and a tank top. That style of jackets it's quite in , but c'mon lace is the best.

I'm getting quite sleeping but I will post other items I was to lazy to take photos off.
Hanna will be posting also a new post soon, till then bye-



Summer trends Part 1 : SHORTS

It sure has been really long since my last post. Well I'm back and ready to write. The sunshine has been blessing my life recently. And I can already smell summer.As my friend Lana Del Rey woulds say: "Those summer nights..". And with summer coming by, all new summer trends are also coming in. Shall we get started?

The must have of summer are shorts. There are all kinds of shorts in the market, while i find the greatest ones DIY. For summer I would recomend  floral print. You can't go wrong with a floral print and  you can also have ton of fun with. You can simply pair  with an ordinary shirt  include amazing jewelry and don't forgot heels. You get an awesome but simple outfit
And for that  special and dressy moment. Laced shorts are the best. But lets face it lace shorts are always the best . Lace is my match made in heaven. You can have those cute pinkish laced shorts, or those white laced, and many others. Pair with a a blouse, recomend blue for the summer, again heels. And your beautiful.

Since summer is still not here , this is just part 1, expect more and bigger. I'll even let you in my collection. 
Stay tune, love Selena.


Justin in Panama

This days Justin was a hot topic because of his arrest, but he was released, everyone has been sending him hate messages, saying "Better luck next time", Don't you think it's a little to harsh, to want for someone to go to jail. He's living he's life. Justin's been seen in Panama and here's a video of him there.



Perez Hilton Vs Arianators

It's late at night and I should be doing some lame report about talking with our parents, but I decided to skip that and blog a little to you guys. I decided to blog about bickering that has been happening today Perez Hilton against Arianators (Ariana Grande Fans).
Yesterday depending on your time zone, were the Grammy's, every star tried to make the best impression and so did my idol Ariana Grande.
Ariana showed up in this cute Dolce&Gabbana flower dress, looking fab as always.
While on the red carpet, Ariana also cried and ran off, because some paparazzi were calling her ugly.Harsh

Perez Hilton didn't like Ariana's dress and hair, and put her in the worst dressed at the Grammy's at his site.
Arianators took this  hard, and started tweeting he responded tweeting to Ariana ,that she has the worst fans. Oh no he didn't, he also told her she's copying Mariah Carey.
Some Arianators were offending Perez's son on instagram.
How will this end, will see.

Lesson to you all do not offend someone's idol.



Justin Bieber's new girlfriend Chantel J.?

So...this girl here is Chantel Jeffries.
She's been seen with justin quite a lot latley. 
People say she has been in prison many times and that she even stabbed a girl once.
Personally, I think she's just another $lut seeking for money and fame.
She's just not a type of girl justin needs, and she even doesnt seem like a good person. I dont ship Jelena either...but at least selena is not a w*ore
Justin needs to spend some time with his family.... far away from paparazzi and attention seekers.


The New Year

The new year came, I am a bit late on the Happy New Years, but I and Hanna have been very busy.
It's already 2014, time flies by so fast you don't even have time too look by you.
The new year brought with itself new decisons. I decided to start this year with a blank page.
Since time goes by so fast I wanted to keep the memories with me. So I'm doing some major writing this year, so I will probably write more on this a blog.
As the new year came, it brought trends with it too.

For this new year I am  recommending being comfortable with your self and that means with the way you dress.
I think a hoodie is the best way to be comfortable but still yet stylish.

Thats all from the clothes, don't have any picks yet, it's still a new year.
I'm also recommending a book John Greens "The Fault in our stars"
The book is simply a masterpiece,the best book ever;
Thats all from me, till next time.